About the TSU: Oxford's centre for transport research excellence

Since 1973 the Transport Studies Unit has established an international research reputation in transport research.

Based within the world-leading School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford, the TSU approaches global transport challenges from social science and holistic perspectives. This approach allows TSU researchers to ask questions that might not be asked in other sectors, building a comprehensive picture of the complex challenges facing transport today and in the future. Our position within Geography and the University fosters interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers in other parts of the University and based elsewhere.

A unit of interdisciplinary experts

From geography to sociology, urban studies to economics, and beyond, the TSU draws on the latest relevant developments in various disciplines and research fields.

Our core team of researchers come from various disciplinary backgrounds, bringing with them a range of insight and expertise which enriches our research practice.

Outside Oxford the TSU works in partnership with colleagues in many UK universities, and has very active and well-established links with universities and research institutes across the EU, North America, Asia and increasingly Africa and Latin America.

The TSU researchers also work with partners from government and the corporate sector, for instance to monitor and evaluate technological innovations or to develop new forms of governing urban transport systems.

The TSU has an excellent track record in collaborative projects and is keen to develop new partnerships with research groups and funding agencies. We are always developing projects and ideas for future research.

Please get in touch at enquiries@tsu.ox.ac.uk if you would like to discuss any projects or collaborations with us.

Outreach and Impact

The TSU undertakes a range of other outreach activities targeted at local, national and international policy-makers, firms and corporations, as well as NGOs and other third sector organisations. Many of these activities are built into our research projects and include conferences, workshops, seminars, policy reports and policy briefings.

Some of our recent projects have had an impact on public policy and debate both locally in Oxfordshire and internationally.

Research Agenda 2020-2025

TSU Research Agenda 2020-2025

For information on our current and future research, please see our Research Agenda:

Annual Report

Image: Ico Maker / Adobe Stock

Annual Report 2023


  • Message from the Director
  • TSU's 50th
  • Research news
  • New people
  • TSU in the media
  • Executive education programme
  • Conferences and presentations
  • Policy Briefs

Read the TSU's Annual Report for 2023 on our webpages.


Message from the Director

Prof Tim Schwanen2023 has been a memorable year for the Transport Studies Unit as we celebrated its 50th anniversary through a wonderful two-day event in the summer and our annual public seminar series.

We have also continued to excel in our research, engagement and teaching. Transport’s many relationships with the climate emergency and social and spatial inequalities have remained at the centre of our attention. This has resulted in many publications, several new grants, two successful online courses and plenty of media and public engagements.

I am deeply grateful to everyone who has helped to make our notable 2023 possible.

Tim Schwanen, Professor of Transport Geography

"The shocks and changes transport systems are undergoing have been central to our activities and executive education programme. This Annual Report offers an overview of many of the team's new achievements. 2021 has not been an easy year as we mostly worked from home and sometimes dispersed across the planet but I am immensely proud of what we have collectively achieved." 

Tim Schwanen, 2021

TSU Newsletter

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